Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Distinct Difference

Have you ever wondered why some people receive God's blessings while others receive avalanches of abundance?

I'm an avid student of blessing and avalanches of abundance. There is a very distinct difference of the two.

First let me share with you what God's blessings are in my own words because I know you have your own definition as well as heard different people elaborate upon it.

God's blessings are divine favor echoing into your existence magnifying that which you already have, while at the same time manifesting the invisible, breaking the laws of impossible and slowly infusing you with adoration and celebration to say thank you Lord.


That is richer than Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and Oprah Winfrey money combined and squared. God rains upon the just and the unjust. In today's terms that means He rains blessings upon saints, sinners, the good, the bad, the twisted & confused. Yes folks He is all that and loves you like that.

Now let me elaborate upon the distinct difference.

The distinct difference is your power and birthright to not only be blessed by the Most High but to receive avalanches of abundance.

I'm sharing this profound truth with you so that you may experience another realm of blessing that you may have never experienced before.

One that everyone can use in this time of financial difficulty.

Let's go to the DVD of Elijah in the time of Drought.

Come with me and see the prophet Elijah prophesying to the evil King Ahab(I Kings 17 Chapter) "As the Lord God of Israel lives before whom I stand there shall not be dew nor rain these years according to my word."

The heavens are shut immediately God commands the prophet to a Brook Cherith that is before Jordan. For years the land is without rain or dew and bone dry. God commanded Ravens to show up at the brook to feed him food daily and Elijah didn't suffer any lack in the midst of drought.

Look closely so you will see that after a while the brook dried up because their was no rain in the land. Keep in mind Elijah is doing God's will He is only being blessed for his efforts. It is very important that you understand that.

Now listen carefully to hear the resounding truth ring in your ears and watch distinct difference happen right before your eyes. Elijah is now commanded by the Most High to go to Zarephath and dwell there because He has commanded a widow there to sustain him.

Elijah gets there sees the widow gathering sticks and asks her for a drink of water because his lips are parched.

You know that feeling you get when it's hot and humid you've taken a journey without any bottled water and your thirsty.

The woman slowly strolls towards her house to get Elijah's water. He calls to her again asking her to give him a piece of bread.

The woman spins around towards Elijah then says I'm actually gathering these two sticks to stir up my little meal cakes for me and my son to eat our last meal and die.

Elijah tells the woman if you would just prepare a cake for me first bring it to me before you feed yourself and your son. God will give you plenty and your meal or oil shall not fail until God allows the rain to fall.

I see the woman full of faith stirring up that little bit of oil and meal she has with determination in her eyes. Comes outside with the meal cake Elijah sinks his teeth into. She smiles makes her way back to the house starts fixing her food the oil and meal that was once empty is now filled to the brim.

There is a distinct difference here. Before Elijah this woman was living a life where she experienced blessings. A life that was good but could have been better.

She knew what it was to lose a husband.

She knew what it was to be a single parent.

She knew what it was to just get by.

She knew what it was to receive God's blessings.

She knew what it was to trust God.

She knew what it was to have faith.

She knew what it was to be down to her last.

However, the widow didn't know what the distinct difference was until Elijah showed up.

The distinct difference allowed the widow to go into a meal and oil business which supplies all of her needs and that of the community.

The distinct difference helped the widow get out of debt and get on the abundance ship.

The distinct difference allowed Elijah and the widow to receive avalanches of abundance for the rest of their lives. Once you experience the distinct difference your life will never be the same.

Now you know the distinct difference strive for it because God wants you to experience avalanches of abundance so you can shout what God is all about and He loves you.

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