I recall back in the days in the 80's there was a huge fad of wearing designer frames in the African American community. Around the RUN DMC rap era. Even people who despised wearing glasses were caught up on it. There would even go as far as just purchasing the frames wearing them without any lenses.
Cazal frames were big block framed style with their name emblazoned in script upon their lenses and gold plated tag name on the arms. Were a huge hit, Yves Saint Laurent frames were also popular. It was definitely official.
Glasses were now in style. As i look back I think of how that time in history more or less helped me feel more comfortable about wearing glasses. It took a little getting used to but that phase help me to embrace the fact that I would have to wear glasses.
When I think about designer frames I think about how we all wear them.
What I mean is that we all have a specific design of frames that we wear to see the world. We all see the world through designer frames.
Some of us choose to wear sunglasses 2 block the shade of God's divine light from our view.
Some of us choose to wear glasses smudged by our fingerprints and we refuse to clean them to get a better view of life.
Some of us choose to wear glasses without lenses when we know we do not have 20/20 vision 2 see God's will for our life.
Some of us choose to wear glasses with transitional lenses so when God tries to share His radiance of righteousness our lenses darken so much that we are not affected by the light.
Some of us choose to wear other people's glasses that are too strong or too weak for our eyes and will only do further damage to our already poor eyesight.
Oh we are all wearing designer frames today.
What color is yours today?
Are they black, white, gunmetal, blue,red, or tan?
Are they heavy to the point that it has left a mark upon your nose?
Are they broken or all scratched up?
If so God wants you to know that whatever type of designer glasses that you have on He can fix them.
He can give you the right prescription.
St. John Chapter 9 tells the story of Jesus healing a blind man. Read it in your spare time. In this text there are many people in this chapter who are blind not just the man who was blind from his birth.
The disciples were blind to the fact that this was a tremendous opportunity to provide service to this man who was blind.
The disciples were so blind that instead of asking Jesus how can we help this man they asked him who sinned his father or mother an made him born blind.
Have you ever found yourself wearing those designer glasses overlooking someone in need?
Have you ever found yourself wearing those designer glasses asking god what sin has this persons parents committed that they are suffering?
The disciples were styling wearing their designer frames and they missed the point even walking and talking with Jesus.
Jesus confesses to them that this man is not blind because of his parents sins but he is born this way so God can manifest the power of healing in him.
Jesus wants to heal the blindness of us all. however, sometimes we get so caught up on our glasses and Hollywood status that we don't want to take those glasses off.
After Jesus gave the blind man the remedy some of his neighbors failed to see this man at all. They looked at him in disbelief in his being healed. It just couldn't be true. Some of them said it is him while others said it can't be him.
They contemplated is this our neighbor or is it somebody that looks like him instead of getting the story from the horses mouth.
Like many of us we get into our huddles and mumble about people and instead of going directly to them and getting the facts we are satisfied with our assumptions and speculations of what we think is the truth.
Oh so many people in this text were suffering from blindness in this text and in the world that we live in.
The man overheard them gossiping and says in response to their unsure bickering it is me. He testified that it was Jesus who made him see again.
Even after getting a wake up call and even hearing the truth from the horses mouth they grabbed him up and took him to the Pharisees.
The Pharisees who were supposed to be God's chosen people couldn't see the truth. They had on their designer frames which only allowed them to see into their so called spiritual mastery of the law. Which caused them to know the law but not Know God.
What a terrible thing to be wearing designer frames, be God's chosen people, and not even recognize or know who God is?
I'm thankful though.
That no matter how thick, how dirty, how closed, how twisted, how broken, how messed up your vision is there is somebody who can give you sight so you can see the light.
His name is Jesus.
He wants to open up your eyes so you can see through the designer frames. He wants to make your vision whole again. I'm thankful that Jesus is the eye opener.
Are you satisfied with your designer frames just as they are?
The designer frames are a statement to the word that you have taste, but you do not know the God of grace and healing.
The billion dollar question is do you want him to open your eyes so you can see the light, walk in his righteousness and goodness?
The choice is yours.
Monday, July 20, 2009
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