Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Script

I love movies with a passion. For every movie there is a script that actors must learn there lines to bring their characters to life. The director’s shooting script is the one he or she uses to bring the movies we watch to life. They are an ultimate escape from reality, a vacation from the norm whisking us away to a new world.

What I am about to show you is a shooting script that will change the movie of your life. Life is a real life movie. The better your script is the better your life becomes.

Today I want to discuss what the script is for those of you wondering where I am going with this. Hold on to your seats relax and get comfortable.

The script is an acronym for five different praying styles. All of these praying styles are extremely powerful. I will also give you the opportunity to contact me so I can send you a free book that you are absolutely going to love.

S stands for Silent Prayer
Praying to God is a very powerful thing. One thing that I have learned from experience is some prayers you just keep silent between you and God. I share this because Satan cannot read your mind. Many times people say entirely too much when they are praying to God giving the enemy ammunition to fire upon us.

I have heard women say that man can talk me into anything. I can see the devil now as he hears those words because he has an Aha moment now. To add visual and IMAX theatre to make it plain that is like a criminal giving a prosecuting attorney all the evidence he needs to lock you away for life. Some things you have to keep between you and God.

I recall years ago telling people cigarettes had me bound and were the hardest habit to kick. Guess what those cravings had me going like a crack addict feigning for a hit of cocaine. Cigarettes were one of the hardest habits I ever had to kick. I believe if I did not proclaim the power cigarettes had over me that my battle would have been a lot easier.

C is for Commitment Prayer
Commitment prayer is simply a prayer of commitment. When you tell God, I commit my car to you so that I can faithfully take people to and from church and minster to them. That is a commitment prayer. It can also be a prayer where you commit your child or family to God. It can be a personal prayer that you surrender yourself to preaching, teaching, helping anyone.

R stands for Revelation Prayer
Revelation prayer is the time we ask God to reveal something unknown us. A revelation prayer is one for divine intervention, awakening, and enlightenment. God only gives as He sees fit to reveal unto us. There are something’s He will not reveal because the secret things belong unto God.

The I stands for Intercessory Prayer
Intercessory prayer is what Jesus did when He was on the cross dying for our sins. Intercessory prayer is what my grandmother did over me when I was a young child and when my mother did for me when I was a menace to society. It is standing in the gap for someone who needs a word from the Lord, a change or some sort of miracle.

The P stands for Praying through His Promises
When you pray through His promises, you have a solidified guarantee that God will answer because He says His word shall not return to Him void. For any problem that you are facing there is a promise in the Bible that addresses it.

Praying through His promises gives you a solid foundation of prayer that is sure and true.
One of the most amazing books I ever read on prayer goes into claiming God’s promises in prayer called the ABC’s of Bible Prayer by Glen A. Coon. This book is a nuclear explosion of truth that can rock the foundations of this world.

The T stands for Thinking About it Prayer
Thinking about it prayers are prayers that I use when a person crosses my mind I say a silent prayer for them. It is similar to intercessory prayer but the Holy Ghost is prompting you to pray for an individual. You don’t know why but you just have to follow His lead.

When a thought passes of a goal I need to reach, I pray on it. It has been very effective and very powerful.

I have had people who came across my mind on a specific day or time tell me later on I had a rough week last week that I did not think I was going to get through and then strength came out of nowhere for me to do it.

Little do they know that it was the power of prayer? I cannot wait until tomorrow because I have some goodies for you.

Remember to e-mail me today at to request your free book that you are absolutely going to love.

Have an awesome day God bless and keep you.

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